Is your game crashing due to Audio on Android but not PC?

I recently came across a bug in OpenSLESAudio which is sometimes causing a crash. Since this audio implementation is only used on Android right now this only affects Android platforms. The crash appears to occur when MusicBox plays the same sound twice and they happen to end at the same time. {T551} has been created to address the crash but it is is also likely the Android implementation will end up using OpenALAudio as it will be one less implementation to manage.

I have successfully built OpenAL in Restricted Repository for Android and set up one of my projects to link it in. It is a little bit of a hack at the moment so I haven't pushed the change. {T552} has been created to correctly use OpenAL on Android. If you are experiencing trouble with unexpected crashes in the Audio system make a comment on that issue to bring my attention to it and I'll raise the priority.

Written by 0xseantasker on Sep 22 2016, 9:29 AM.
  • Restricted Project

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