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* File: MaterialAnimation.h
* Author: DiamondLawrence
* Created on 10 April 2015, 11:36 PM
#include <echo/Graphics/Material.h>
#include <echo/Graphics/PrimitiveTypes.h>
#include <echo/Kernel/Task.h>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
namespace Echo
//! \brief An animation sequence applied as a material, allowing meshes to have an animated material or texture.
//! \details This is a Task so it needs to be added to a parent process in order to animate.
class MaterialAnimation : public Material, public Task
//! \brief An individual frame of a MaterialAnimation sequence.
struct Frame
//! \brief Constructs a MaterialAnimation::Frame.
//! \param duration The duration of the frame, in seconds.
//! \param texture The texture to use for this frame, which can be shared with other frames.
//! \param textureCoordinateTopLeft The top-left corner of the part of the texture to be rendered for this frame, specified in texture coordinates.
//! \param textureCoordinateBottomRight The bottom-right corner of the part of the texture to be rendered for this frame, specified in texture coordinates.
Frame(Seconds duration,
shared_ptr<Texture> texture,
TextureUV textureCoordinateTopLeft = TextureUV(0.f, 0.f),
TextureUV textureCoordinateBottomRight = TextureUV(1.f, 1.f));
Seconds duration; //!< The duration of the frame, in seconds.
shared_ptr<Texture> texture; //!< The texture to use for this frame, which can be shared with other frames.
TextureUV textureUV1; //!< The top-left corner of the part of the texture to be rendered for this frame, specified in texture coordinates.
TextureUV textureUV2; //!< The bottom-right corner of the part of the texture to be rendered for this frame, specified in texture coordinates.
//! \brief A "filmstrip" or frame set, used to construct a Frame sequence from a single Texture.
//! \details The provided Texture is treated as a "filmstrip" in containing separate sequential non-overlapping sub-Textures to treat as Frames.
struct FilmStrip
//! \brief Constructs a FilmStrip, aka Frame sequence.
//! \param durationPerFrame The duration, in seconds, of each Frame in the sequence to generate.
//! \param texture The Texture to subdivide into various Frames.
//! \param sizePerFrame The size, in texture coordinates, of the sub-Texture each Frame will have.
//! \param numberOfFrames If specified, the number of frames to extract from the Texture.
//! If not specified, will retrieve the maximum number of Frames that the Texture can be divided into.
//! \param origin The origin point to begin extracting Frames from the Texture: the top-left corner of the very first Frame.
FilmStrip(Seconds durationPerFrame,
shared_ptr<Texture> texture,
TextureUV sizePerFrame,
boost::optional<u32> numberOfFrames = boost::none,
TextureUV origin = TextureUV(0.f, 0.f));
//! \brief A FilmStrip will implicitly convert into a Frame sequence.
operator std::vector<Frame>(void) const
return frames;
std::vector<Frame> frames; //!< The Frame sequence calculated from constructor parameters.
//! \brief Constructs an empty MaterialAnimation.
//! \note Call SetTaskName() and SetFrames() to fully initialise this animation sequence.
//! \brief Constructs a MaterialAnimation from the provided textureFrames.
//! \param taskName The name of this animation task.
//! \param frames The ordered sequence of frames to use for this animation, in order of index.
//! \param priority The priority of this MaterialAnimation Task, as per Task::GetPriority().
MaterialAnimation(const std::string& taskName, const std::vector<Frame>& frames, u32 priority = 5000);
MaterialAnimation(const MaterialAnimation& other);
~MaterialAnimation(void) override;
//! \brief Sets the sequence of frames that this MaterialAnimation will use.
//! \param frames The ordered sequence of frames to use for this animation, in order of index.
//! \see Refer also to MaterialAnimation::FilmStrip which can be used to easily initialise this.
void SetFrames(const std::vector<Frame>& frames);
//! \brief Gets the total duration, in seconds, of the animation (i.e. the accumulation of the duration for each Frame in the sequence).
//! \return The total duration of the animation sequence.
Seconds GetTotalDuration(void) const;
void Update(Seconds lastFrameTime) override;
void ApplyAndRender(MultipassRenderable& renderable, const Matrix4& viewWorldMatrix, RenderTarget& renderTarget) override;
Seconds mTimeIntoAnimation; //!< The time into the animation sequence: the amount of time that has passed while the animation has been active.
//! This loops based on the total duration of the frame sequence.
std::vector<Frame> mFrames; //!< The ordered sequence of frames to use for this animation, in order of index.
std::vector<Frame>::const_iterator mActiveFrame; //!< The iterator that points to the current active frame in mFrames.

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Thu, Jan 16, 12:12 AM (12 h, 41 m)
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MaterialAnimation.h (5 KB)

Event Timeline