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#include <echo/Graphics/Frustum.h>
#include <echo/Maths/EchoMaths.h>
#include <echo/Maths/Matrix3.h>
#include <echo/Maths/Sphere.h>
#include <echo/Graphics/Mesh.h>
#include <echo/Graphics/SubMesh.h>
namespace Echo
const f32 Frustum::INFINITE_FAR_PLANE_ADJUST = 0.00001f;
Frustum::Frustum() :
// Do nothing
void Frustum::SetFOVy(const Radian& fov)
mFOVy = fov;
const Radian& Frustum::GetFOVy(void) const
return mFOVy;
void Frustum::SetFOV(const Radian& fov)
Radian Frustum::GetFOV() const
return (mFOVy*mAspect);
void Frustum::SetFarPlane(f32 farPlane)
mFarDist = farPlane;
f32 Frustum::GetFarPlane(void) const
return mFarDist;
void Frustum::SetNearPlane(f32 nearPlane)
assert(nearPlane > 0);
mNearDist = nearPlane;
f32 Frustum::GetNearPlane(void) const
return mNearDist;
void Frustum::SetFrustumOffset(const Vector2& offset)
mFrustumOffset = offset;
void Frustum::SetFrustumOffset(f32 horizontal, f32 vertical)
SetFrustumOffset(Vector2(horizontal, vertical));
const Vector2& Frustum::GetFrustumOffset() const
return mFrustumOffset;
void Frustum::SetFocalLength(f32 focalLength)
assert( focalLength > 0);
mFocalLength = focalLength;
f32 Frustum::GetFocalLength() const
return mFocalLength;
const Matrix4& Frustum::GetProjectionMatrix(void) const
return mProjMatrix;
const Matrix4& Frustum::GetViewMatrix(void) const
return mViewMatrix;
const Frustum::FrustumPlaneArray& Frustum::GetFrustumPlanes(void) const
// Make any pending updates to the calculated frustum planes
return mFrustumPlanes;
const Plane& Frustum::GetFrustumPlane(unsigned short plane) const
// Make any pending updates to the calculated frustum planes
return mFrustumPlanes[plane];
bool Frustum::IsVisible(const AxisAlignedBox& bound, FrustumPlane* culledBy) const
// Null boxes always invisible
if (bound.IsNull()) return false;
// Infinite boxes always visible
if (bound.IsInfinite()) return true;
// Make any pending updates to the calculated frustum planes
// Get centre of the box
Vector3 centre = bound.GetCentre();
// Get the half-size of the box
Vector3 halfSize = bound.GetHalfSize();
// For each plane, see if all points are on the negative side
// If so, object is not visible
for (int plane = 0; plane < 6; ++plane)
// Skip far plane if infinite view frustum
if (plane == FrustumPlanes::FAR && mFarDist == 0)
Plane::Side side = mFrustumPlanes[plane].GetSide(centre, halfSize);
if (side == Plane::Sides::NEGATIVE)
// ALL corners on negative side therefore out of view
if (culledBy)
*culledBy = (FrustumPlane)plane;
return false;
return true;
bool Frustum::IsVisible(const Vector3& vert, FrustumPlane* culledBy) const
// Make any pending updates to the calculated frustum planes
// For each plane, see if all points are on the negative side
// If so, object is not visible
for (int plane = 0; plane < 6; ++plane)
// Skip far plane if infinite view frustum
if (plane == FrustumPlanes::FAR && mFarDist == 0)
if (mFrustumPlanes[plane].GetSide(vert) == Plane::Sides::NEGATIVE)
// ALL corners on negative side therefore out of view
if (culledBy)
*culledBy = (FrustumPlane)plane;
return false;
return true;
bool Frustum::IsVisible(const Sphere& sphere, FrustumPlane* culledBy) const
// Make any pending updates to the calculated frustum planes
// For each plane, see if sphere is on negative side
// If so, object is not visible
for (int plane = 0; plane < 6; ++plane)
// Skip far plane if infinite view frustum
if (plane == FrustumPlanes::FAR && mFarDist == 0)
// If the distance from sphere center to plane is negative, and 'more negative'
// than the radius of the sphere, sphere is outside frustum
if (mFrustumPlanes[plane].GetDistance(sphere.GetCenter()) < -sphere.GetRadius())
// ALL corners on negative side therefore out of view
if (culledBy)
*culledBy = (FrustumPlane)plane;
return false;
return true;
void Frustum::CalcProjectionParameters(f32& left, f32& right, f32& bottom, f32& top) const
if (mCustomProjMatrix)
// Convert clipspace corners to camera space
Matrix4 invProj = mProjMatrix.Inverse();
Vector3 topLeft(-0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
Vector3 bottomRight(0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f);
topLeft = invProj * topLeft;
bottomRight = invProj * bottomRight;
left = topLeft.x;
top = topLeft.y;
right = bottomRight.x;
bottom = bottomRight.y;
if (mFrustumExtentsManuallySet)
left = mLeft;
right = mRight;
top = mTop;
bottom = mBottom;
// Calculate general projection parameters
else if (mProjType == ProjectionTypes::PERSPECTIVE)
Radian thetaY (mFOVy * 0.5f);
f32 tanThetaY = Maths::Tan<f32>(thetaY);
f32 tanThetaX = tanThetaY * mAspect;
f32 nearFocal = mNearDist / mFocalLength;
f32 nearOffsetX = mFrustumOffset.x * nearFocal;
f32 nearOffsetY = mFrustumOffset.y * nearFocal;
f32 half_w = tanThetaX * mNearDist;
f32 half_h = tanThetaY * mNearDist;
left = - half_w + nearOffsetX;
right = + half_w + nearOffsetX;
bottom = - half_h + nearOffsetY;
top = + half_h + nearOffsetY;
mLeft = left;
mRight = right;
mTop = top;
mBottom = bottom;
// Unknown how to apply frustum offset to orthographic camera, just ignore here
f32 half_w = GetOrthoWindowWidth() * 0.5f;
f32 half_h = GetOrthoWindowHeight() * 0.5f;
left = - half_w;
right = + half_w;
bottom = - half_h;
top = + half_h;
mLeft = left;
mRight = right;
mTop = top;
mBottom = bottom;
void Frustum::UpdateFrustumImpl(void) const
// Common calcs
f32 left, right, bottom, top;
CalcProjectionParameters(left, right, bottom, top);
if (!mCustomProjMatrix)
// The code below will dealing with general projection
// parameters, similar glFrustum and glOrtho.
// Doesn't optimise manually except division operator, so the
// code more self-explaining.
f32 inv_w = 1 / (right - left);
f32 inv_h = 1 / (top - bottom);
f32 inv_d = 1 / (mFarDist - mNearDist);
// Recalc if frustum params changed
if (mProjType == ProjectionTypes::PERSPECTIVE)
// Calc matrix elements
f32 A = 2 * mNearDist * inv_w;
f32 B = 2 * mNearDist * inv_h;
f32 C = (right + left) * inv_w;
f32 D = (top + bottom) * inv_h;
f32 q, qn;
if (mFarDist == 0)
// Infinite far plane
qn = mNearDist * (Frustum::INFINITE_FAR_PLANE_ADJUST - 2);
q = - (mNearDist) * inv_d;
// This used to be:
// q = - (mFarDist + mNearDist) * inv_d;
// but the result was a matrix that GX (Wii) didn't like. I compared the matrix generation code in libogc
// with this and found that this was the difference that prevented it from working. I don't see any
// negative effects with the GLRenderTarget.
qn = -2 * (mFarDist * mNearDist) * inv_d;
// NB: This creates 'uniform' perspective projection matrix,
// which depth range [-1,1], right-handed rules
// [ A 0 C 0 ]
// [ 0 B D 0 ]
// [ 0 0 q qn ]
// [ 0 0 -1 0 ]
// A = 2 * near / (right - left)
// B = 2 * near / (top - bottom)
// C = (right + left) / (right - left)
// D = (top + bottom) / (top - bottom)
// q = - (far + near) / (far - near)
// qn = - 2 * (far * near) / (far - near)
mProjMatrix = Matrix4::ZERO;
mProjMatrix[0][0] = A;
mProjMatrix[0][2] = C;
mProjMatrix[1][1] = B;
mProjMatrix[1][2] = D;
mProjMatrix[2][2] = q;
mProjMatrix[2][3] = qn;
mProjMatrix[3][2] = -1;
if (mObliqueDepthProjection)
// Translate the plane into view space
// Don't use getViewMatrix here, incase overrided by
// camera and return a cull frustum view matrix
Plane plane = mViewMatrix * mObliqueProjPlane;
// Thanks to Eric Lenyel for posting this calculation
// at
// Calculate the clip-space corner point opposite the
// clipping plane
// as (sgn(clipPlane.x), sgn(clipPlane.y), 1, 1) and
// transform it into camera space by multiplying it
// by the inverse of the projection matrix
/* generalised version
Vector4 q = matrix.inverse() *
Maths::Sign(plane.normal.y), 1.0f, 1.0f);
Vector4 q;
q.x = (Maths::Sign(plane.normal.x) + mProjMatrix[0][2]) / mProjMatrix[0][0];
q.y = (Maths::Sign(plane.normal.y) + mProjMatrix[1][2]) / mProjMatrix[1][1];
q.z = -1;
q.w = (1 + mProjMatrix[2][2]) / mProjMatrix[2][3];
// Calculate the scaled plane vector
Vector4 clipPlane4d(plane.normal.x, plane.normal.y, plane.normal.z, plane.d);
Vector4 c = clipPlane4d * (2 / (clipPlane4d.DotProduct(q)));
// Replace the third row of the projection matrix
mProjMatrix[2][0] = c.x;
mProjMatrix[2][1] = c.y;
mProjMatrix[2][2] = c.z + 1;
mProjMatrix[2][3] = c.w;
}else if (mProjType == ProjectionTypes::ORTHOGRAPHIC)
f32 A = 2 * inv_w;
f32 B = 2 * inv_h;
f32 C = - (right + left) * inv_w;
f32 D = - (top + bottom) * inv_h;
f32 q, qn;
if (mFarDist == 0)
// Can not do infinite far plane here, avoid divided zero only
q = - Frustum::INFINITE_FAR_PLANE_ADJUST / mNearDist;
qn = - Frustum::INFINITE_FAR_PLANE_ADJUST - 1;
q = - 2 * inv_d;
qn = - (mFarDist + mNearDist) * inv_d;
// NB: This creates 'uniform' orthographic projection matrix,
// which depth range [-1,1], right-handed rules
// [ A 0 0 C ]
// [ 0 B 0 D ]
// [ 0 0 q qn ]
// [ 0 0 0 1 ]
// A = 2 * / (right - left)
// B = 2 * / (top - bottom)
// C = - (right + left) / (right - left)
// D = - (top + bottom) / (top - bottom)
// q = - 2 / (far - near)
// qn = - (far + near) / (far - near)
mProjMatrix = Matrix4::ZERO;
mProjMatrix[0][0] = A;
mProjMatrix[0][3] = C;
mProjMatrix[1][1] = B;
mProjMatrix[1][3] = D;
mProjMatrix[2][2] = q;
mProjMatrix[2][3] = qn;
mProjMatrix[3][3] = 1;
// Deal with orientation mode
mProjMatrix = mProjMatrix * Quaternion(Degree(mOrientationMode * 90.f), Vector3::UNIT_Z);
// Calculate bounding box (local)
// Box is from 0, down -Z, max dimensions as determined from far plane
// If infinite view frustum just pick a far value
f32 farDist = (mFarDist == 0) ? 100000 : mFarDist;
// Near plane bounds
Vector3 min(left, bottom, -farDist);
Vector3 max(right, top, 0);
if (mCustomProjMatrix)
// Some custom projection matrices can have unusual inverted settings
// So make sure the AABB is the right way around to start with
Vector3 tmp = min;
if (mProjType == ProjectionTypes::PERSPECTIVE)
// Merge with far plane bounds
f32 radio = farDist / mNearDist;
min.MakeFloor(Vector3(left * radio, bottom * radio, -farDist));
max.MakeCeil(Vector3(right * radio, top * radio, 0));
mBoundingBox.SetExtents(min, max);
mRecalcFrustum = false;
// Signal to update frustum clipping planes
mRecalcFrustumPlanes = true;
void Frustum::UpdateFrustum(void) const
if (IsFrustumOutOfDate())
void Frustum::GetVertexData(shared_ptr<SubMesh> targetSubMesh, bool updateOnlyIfChangedSinceLastAcquire, bool clearMesh) const
if (!updateOnlyIfChangedSinceLastAcquire || (mRecalcVertexData && updateOnlyIfChangedSinceLastAcquire))
// Note: Even though we can dealing with general projection matrix here,
// but because it's incompatibly with infinite far plane, thus, we
// still need to working with projection parameters.
// Calc near plane corners
f32 vpLeft, vpRight, vpBottom, vpTop;
CalcProjectionParameters(vpLeft, vpRight, vpBottom, vpTop);
// Treat infinite fardist as some arbitrary far value
f32 farDist = (mFarDist == 0) ? 100000 : mFarDist;
// Calc far plane corners
f32 radio = mProjType == ProjectionTypes::PERSPECTIVE ? farDist / mNearDist : 1;
f32 farLeft = vpLeft * radio;
f32 farRight = vpRight * radio;
f32 farBottom = vpBottom * radio;
f32 farTop = vpTop * radio;
// Calculate vertex positions (local)
// 0 is the origin
// 1, 2, 3, 4 are the points on the near plane, top left first, clockwise
// 5, 6, 7, 8 are the points on the far plane, top left first, clockwise
shared_ptr<VertexBuffer> vertexBuffer = targetSubMesh->GetVertexBuffer();
VertexBuffer::Accessor<Vector3> vertices = vertexBuffer->GetAccessor<Vector3>("Position");
if(vertexBuffer->GetCapacity() < NUMBER_OF_REQUIRED_ELEMENTS)
// Need to re-allocate
// We use this value below as the start of the write position.
// Do we have enough space?
if(vertexBuffer->GetCapacity()-vertexBuffer->GetNumberOfElements() < NUMBER_OF_REQUIRED_ELEMENTS)
ECHO_LOG_WARNING("Target SubMesh does not have enough space for data and I was told not to clear it. " << NUMBER_OF_REQUIRED_ELEMENTS <<
" vertices are required. Buffer's capacity: " << vertexBuffer->GetCapacity() << " Number of existing elements: " << vertexBuffer->GetNumberOfElements());
Size i = vertexBuffer->GetNumberOfElements();
// near plane (remember frustum is going in -Z direction)
vertices[i++] = Vector3(vpLeft, vpTop, -mNearDist);
vertices[i++] = Vector3(vpRight, vpTop, -mNearDist);
vertices[i++] = Vector3(vpRight, vpTop, -mNearDist);
vertices[i++] = Vector3(vpRight, vpBottom, -mNearDist);
vertices[i++] = Vector3(vpRight, vpBottom, -mNearDist);
vertices[i++] = Vector3(vpLeft, vpBottom, -mNearDist);
vertices[i++] = Vector3(vpLeft, vpBottom, -mNearDist);
vertices[i++] = Vector3(vpLeft, vpTop, -mNearDist);
// far plane (remember frustum is going in -Z direction)
vertices[i++] = Vector3(farLeft, farTop, -farDist);
vertices[i++] = Vector3(farRight, farTop, -farDist);
vertices[i++] = Vector3(farRight, farTop, -farDist);
vertices[i++] = Vector3(farRight, farBottom, -farDist);
vertices[i++] = Vector3(farRight, farBottom, -farDist);
vertices[i++] = Vector3(farLeft, farBottom, -farDist);
vertices[i++] = Vector3(farLeft, farBottom, -farDist);
vertices[i++] = Vector3(farLeft, farTop, -farDist);
// Sides of the pyramid
vertices[i++] = Vector3::ZERO;
vertices[i++] = Vector3(vpLeft, vpTop, -mNearDist);
vertices[i++] = Vector3::ZERO;
vertices[i++] = Vector3(vpRight, vpTop, -mNearDist);
vertices[i++] = Vector3::ZERO;
vertices[i++] = Vector3(vpRight, vpBottom, -mNearDist);
vertices[i++] = Vector3::ZERO;
vertices[i++] = Vector3(vpLeft, vpBottom, -mNearDist);
// Sides of the box
vertices[i++] = Vector3(vpLeft, vpTop, -mNearDist);
vertices[i++] = Vector3(farLeft, farTop, -farDist);
vertices[i++] = Vector3(vpRight, vpTop, -mNearDist);
vertices[i++] = Vector3(farRight, farTop, -farDist);
vertices[i++] = Vector3(vpRight, vpBottom, -mNearDist);
vertices[i++] = Vector3(farRight, farBottom, -farDist);
vertices[i++] = Vector3(vpLeft, vpBottom, -mNearDist);
vertices[i++] = Vector3(farLeft, farBottom, -farDist);
mRecalcVertexData = false;
bool Frustum::IsViewOutOfDate(void) const
return mRecalcView;
bool Frustum::IsFrustumOutOfDate(void) const
// Deriving custom near plane from linked plane?
if (mObliqueDepthProjection)
// Out of date when view out of data since plane needs to be in view space
if (IsViewOutOfDate())
mRecalcFrustum = true;
return mRecalcFrustum;
void Frustum::UpdateViewImpl(void) const
// Get orientation from quaternion
if (!mCustomViewMatrix)
Matrix3 rot;
const Quaternion& orientation = GetOrientationForViewUpdate();
const Vector3& position = GetPositionForViewUpdate();
mViewMatrix = Maths::MakeViewMatrix(position, orientation, mReflect? &mReflectMatrix : 0);
mRecalcView = false;
// Signal to update frustum clipping planes
mRecalcFrustumPlanes = true;
// Signal to update world space corners
mRecalcWorldSpaceCorners = true;
// Signal to update frustum if oblique plane enabled,
// since plane needs to be in view space
if (mObliqueDepthProjection)
mRecalcFrustum = true;
void Frustum::CalcViewMatrixRelative(const Vector3& relPos, Matrix4& matToUpdate) const
Matrix4 matTrans = Matrix4::IDENTITY;
matToUpdate = GetViewMatrix() * matTrans;
void Frustum::UpdateView(void) const
if (IsViewOutOfDate())
void Frustum::UpdateFrustumPlanesImpl(void) const
Matrix4 combo = mProjMatrix * mViewMatrix;
mFrustumPlanes[FrustumPlanes::LEFT].normal.x = combo[3][0] + combo[0][0];
mFrustumPlanes[FrustumPlanes::LEFT].normal.y = combo[3][1] + combo[0][1];
mFrustumPlanes[FrustumPlanes::LEFT].normal.z = combo[3][2] + combo[0][2];
mFrustumPlanes[FrustumPlanes::LEFT].d = combo[3][3] + combo[0][3];
mFrustumPlanes[FrustumPlanes::RIGHT].normal.x = combo[3][0] - combo[0][0];
mFrustumPlanes[FrustumPlanes::RIGHT].normal.y = combo[3][1] - combo[0][1];
mFrustumPlanes[FrustumPlanes::RIGHT].normal.z = combo[3][2] - combo[0][2];
mFrustumPlanes[FrustumPlanes::RIGHT].d = combo[3][3] - combo[0][3];
mFrustumPlanes[FrustumPlanes::TOP].normal.x = combo[3][0] - combo[1][0];
mFrustumPlanes[FrustumPlanes::TOP].normal.y = combo[3][1] - combo[1][1];
mFrustumPlanes[FrustumPlanes::TOP].normal.z = combo[3][2] - combo[1][2];
mFrustumPlanes[FrustumPlanes::TOP].d = combo[3][3] - combo[1][3];
mFrustumPlanes[FrustumPlanes::BOTTOM].normal.x = combo[3][0] + combo[1][0];
mFrustumPlanes[FrustumPlanes::BOTTOM].normal.y = combo[3][1] + combo[1][1];
mFrustumPlanes[FrustumPlanes::BOTTOM].normal.z = combo[3][2] + combo[1][2];
mFrustumPlanes[FrustumPlanes::BOTTOM].d = combo[3][3] + combo[1][3];
mFrustumPlanes[FrustumPlanes::NEAR].normal.x = combo[3][0] + combo[2][0];
mFrustumPlanes[FrustumPlanes::NEAR].normal.y = combo[3][1] + combo[2][1];
mFrustumPlanes[FrustumPlanes::NEAR].normal.z = combo[3][2] + combo[2][2];
mFrustumPlanes[FrustumPlanes::NEAR].d = combo[3][3] + combo[2][3];
mFrustumPlanes[FrustumPlanes::FAR].normal.x = combo[3][0] - combo[2][0];
mFrustumPlanes[FrustumPlanes::FAR].normal.y = combo[3][1] - combo[2][1];
mFrustumPlanes[FrustumPlanes::FAR].normal.z = combo[3][2] - combo[2][2];
mFrustumPlanes[FrustumPlanes::FAR].d = combo[3][3] - combo[2][3];
// Renormalise any normals which were not unit length
for(int i=0; i<6; i++ )
f32 length = mFrustumPlanes[i].normal.Normalise();
mFrustumPlanes[i].d /= length;
mRecalcFrustumPlanes = false;
void Frustum::UpdateFrustumPlanes(void) const
if (mRecalcFrustumPlanes)
void Frustum::UpdateWorldSpaceCornersImpl(void) const
Matrix4 eyeToWorld = mViewMatrix.InverseAffine();
// Note: Even though we can dealing with general projection matrix here,
// but because it's incompatibly with infinite far plane, thus, we
// still need to working with projection parameters.
// Calc near plane corners
f32 nearLeft, nearRight, nearBottom, nearTop;
CalcProjectionParameters(nearLeft, nearRight, nearBottom, nearTop);
// Treat infinite fardist as some arbitrary far value
f32 farDist = (mFarDist == 0) ? 100000 : mFarDist;
// Calc far palne corners
f32 radio = mProjType == ProjectionTypes::PERSPECTIVE ? farDist / mNearDist : 1;
f32 farLeft = nearLeft * radio;
f32 farRight = nearRight * radio;
f32 farBottom = nearBottom * radio;
f32 farTop = nearTop * radio;
// near
mWorldSpaceCorners[0] = eyeToWorld.TransformAffine(Vector3(nearRight, nearTop, -mNearDist));
mWorldSpaceCorners[1] = eyeToWorld.TransformAffine(Vector3(nearLeft, nearTop, -mNearDist));
mWorldSpaceCorners[2] = eyeToWorld.TransformAffine(Vector3(nearLeft, nearBottom, -mNearDist));
mWorldSpaceCorners[3] = eyeToWorld.TransformAffine(Vector3(nearRight, nearBottom, -mNearDist));
// far
mWorldSpaceCorners[4] = eyeToWorld.TransformAffine(Vector3(farRight, farTop, -farDist));
mWorldSpaceCorners[5] = eyeToWorld.TransformAffine(Vector3(farLeft, farTop, -farDist));
mWorldSpaceCorners[6] = eyeToWorld.TransformAffine(Vector3(farLeft, farBottom, -farDist));
mWorldSpaceCorners[7] = eyeToWorld.TransformAffine(Vector3(farRight, farBottom, -farDist));
mRecalcWorldSpaceCorners = false;
void Frustum::UpdateWorldSpaceCorners(void) const
if (mRecalcWorldSpaceCorners)
f32 Frustum::GetAspectRatio(void) const
return mAspect;
void Frustum::SetAspectRatio(f32 r)
mAspect = r;
void Frustum::InvalidateFrustum() const
mRecalcFrustum = true;
mRecalcFrustumPlanes = true;
mRecalcWorldSpaceCorners = true;
mRecalcVertexData = true;
void Frustum::InvalidateView() const
mRecalcView = true;
mRecalcFrustumPlanes = true;
mRecalcWorldSpaceCorners = true;
const Frustum::WorldSpaceCorners& Frustum::GetWorldSpaceCorners(void) const
return mWorldSpaceCorners;
void Frustum::SetProjectionType(ProjectionType pt)
mProjType = pt;
ProjectionType Frustum::GetProjectionType(void) const
return mProjType;
const Vector3& Frustum::GetPositionForViewUpdate(void) const
return mLastParentPosition;
const Quaternion& Frustum::GetOrientationForViewUpdate(void) const
return mLastParentOrientation;
void Frustum::EnableReflection(const Plane& p)
mReflect = true;
mReflectPlane = p;
mReflectMatrix = Maths::BuildReflectionMatrix(p);
void Frustum::DisableReflection(void)
mReflect = false;
bool Frustum::ProjectSphere(const Sphere& sphere, f32* left, f32* top, f32* right, f32* bottom) const
// See
// Transform light position into camera space
Vector3 eyeSpacePos = mViewMatrix.TransformAffine(sphere.GetCenter());
// initialise
*left = *bottom = -1.0f;
*right = *top = 1.0f;
if (eyeSpacePos.z < 0)
const Matrix4& projMatrix = GetProjectionMatrix();
f32 r = sphere.GetRadius();
f32 rsq = r * r;
// early-exit
if (eyeSpacePos.LengthSquared() <= rsq)
return false;
f32 Lxz = Maths::Sqr(eyeSpacePos.x) + Maths::Sqr(eyeSpacePos.z);
f32 Lyz = Maths::Sqr(eyeSpacePos.y) + Maths::Sqr(eyeSpacePos.z);
// Find the tangent planes to the sphere
// XZ first
// calculate quadratic discriminant: b*b - 4ac
// x = Nx
// a = Lx^2 + Lz^2
// b = -2rLx
// c = r^2 - Lz^2
f32 a = Lxz;
f32 b = -2.0f * r * eyeSpacePos.x;
f32 c = rsq - Maths::Sqr(eyeSpacePos.z);
f32 D = b*b - 4.0f*a*c;
// two roots?
if (D > 0)
f32 sqrootD = Maths::Sqrt(D);
// solve the quadratic to get the components of the normal
f32 Nx0 = (-b + sqrootD) / (2 * a);
f32 Nx1 = (-b - sqrootD) / (2 * a);
// Derive Z from this
f32 Nz0 = (r - Nx0 * eyeSpacePos.x) / eyeSpacePos.z;
f32 Nz1 = (r - Nx1 * eyeSpacePos.x) / eyeSpacePos.z;
// Get the point of tangency
// Only consider points of tangency in front of the camera
f32 Pz0 = (Lxz - rsq) / (eyeSpacePos.z - ((Nz0 / Nx0) * eyeSpacePos.x));
if (Pz0 < 0)
// Project point onto near plane in worldspace
f32 nearx0 = (Nz0 * mNearDist) / Nx0;
// now we need to map this to viewport coords
// use projection matrix since that will take into account all factors
Vector3 relx0 = projMatrix * Vector3(nearx0, 0, -mNearDist);
// find out whether this is a left side or right side
f32 Px0 = -(Pz0 * Nz0) / Nx0;
if (Px0 > eyeSpacePos.x)
*right = std::min(*right, relx0.x);
*left = std::max(*left, relx0.x);
f32 Pz1 = (Lxz - rsq) / (eyeSpacePos.z - ((Nz1 / Nx1) * eyeSpacePos.x));
if (Pz1 < 0)
// Project point onto near plane in worldspace
f32 nearx1 = (Nz1 * mNearDist) / Nx1;
// now we need to map this to viewport coords
// use projection matrix since that will take into account all factors
Vector3 relx1 = projMatrix * Vector3(nearx1, 0, -mNearDist);
// find out whether this is a left side or right side
f32 Px1 = -(Pz1 * Nz1) / Nx1;
if (Px1 > eyeSpacePos.x)
*right = std::min(*right, relx1.x);
*left = std::max(*left, relx1.x);
// Now YZ
// calculate quadratic discriminant: b*b - 4ac
// x = Ny
// a = Ly^2 + Lz^2
// b = -2rLy
// c = r^2 - Lz^2
a = Lyz;
b = -2.0f * r * eyeSpacePos.y;
c = rsq - Maths::Sqr(eyeSpacePos.z);
D = b*b - 4.0f*a*c;
// two roots?
if (D > 0)
f32 sqrootD = Maths::Sqrt(D);
// solve the quadratic to get the components of the normal
f32 Ny0 = (-b + sqrootD) / (2 * a);
f32 Ny1 = (-b - sqrootD) / (2 * a);
// Derive Z from this
f32 Nz0 = (r - Ny0 * eyeSpacePos.y) / eyeSpacePos.z;
f32 Nz1 = (r - Ny1 * eyeSpacePos.y) / eyeSpacePos.z;
// Get the point of tangency
// Only consider points of tangency in front of the camera
f32 Pz0 = (Lyz - rsq) / (eyeSpacePos.z - ((Nz0 / Ny0) * eyeSpacePos.y));
if (Pz0 < 0)
// Project point onto near plane in worldspace
f32 neary0 = (Nz0 * mNearDist) / Ny0;
// now we need to map this to viewport coords
// use projection matriy since that will take into account all factors
Vector3 rely0 = projMatrix * Vector3(0, neary0, -mNearDist);
// find out whether this is a top side or bottom side
f32 Py0 = -(Pz0 * Nz0) / Ny0;
if (Py0 > eyeSpacePos.y)
*top = std::min(*top, rely0.y);
*bottom = std::max(*bottom, rely0.y);
f32 Pz1 = (Lyz - rsq) / (eyeSpacePos.z - ((Nz1 / Ny1) * eyeSpacePos.y));
if (Pz1 < 0)
// Project point onto near plane in worldspace
f32 neary1 = (Nz1 * mNearDist) / Ny1;
// now we need to map this to viewport coords
// use projection matriy since that will take into account all factors
Vector3 rely1 = projMatrix * Vector3(0, neary1, -mNearDist);
// find out whether this is a top side or bottom side
f32 Py1 = -(Pz1 * Nz1) / Ny1;
if (Py1 > eyeSpacePos.y)
*top = std::min(*top, rely1.y);
*bottom = std::max(*bottom, rely1.y);
return (*left != -1.0f) || (*top != 1.0f) || (*right != 1.0f) || (*bottom != -1.0f);
void Frustum::EnableCustomNearClipPlane(const Plane& plane)
mObliqueDepthProjection = true;
mObliqueProjPlane = plane;
void Frustum::DisableCustomNearClipPlane(void)
mObliqueDepthProjection = false;
void Frustum::SetCustomViewMatrix(bool enable, const Matrix4& viewMatrix)
mCustomViewMatrix = enable;
if (enable)
mViewMatrix = viewMatrix;
void Frustum::SetCustomProjectionMatrix(bool enable, const Matrix4& projMatrix)
mCustomProjMatrix = enable;
if (enable)
mProjMatrix = projMatrix;
void Frustum::SetOrthoWindow(f32 w, f32 h)
mOrthoHeight = h;
mAspect = w / h;
void Frustum::SetOrthoWindowHeight(f32 h)
mOrthoHeight = h;
void Frustum::SetOrthoWindowWidth(f32 w)
mOrthoHeight = w / mAspect;
f32 Frustum::GetOrthoWindowHeight() const
return mOrthoHeight;
f32 Frustum::GetOrthoWindowWidth() const
return mOrthoHeight * mAspect;
void Frustum::SetFrustumExtents(f32 left, f32 right, f32 top, f32 bottom)
mFrustumExtentsManuallySet = true;
mLeft = left;
mRight = right;
mTop = top;
mBottom = bottom;
void Frustum::ResetFrustumExtents()
mFrustumExtentsManuallySet = false;
void Frustum::GetFrustumExtents(f32& outleft, f32& outright, f32& outtop, f32& outbottom) const
outleft = mLeft;
outright = mRight;
outtop = mTop;
outbottom = mBottom;
void Frustum::SetOrientationMode(OrientationMode orientationMode)
mOrientationMode = orientationMode;
OrientationMode Frustum::GetOrientationMode() const
return mOrientationMode;

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Thu, Dec 5, 2:00 AM (7 h, 12 m)
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Frustum.cpp (31 KB)

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