
Meggit_Advertisement.png (293×406 px, 85 KB)

I have an old project that I want to revive, called Meggit. Meggit is a simple cutesy 2D platformer with some educational and puzzle aspects to be woven in.
Initially implemented in 2006 as a prototype using Klik & Play, then remade in ~2010 using Python and PyGame, I tried to resurrect it for mobile platforms in 2012 by rewriting from scratch using Java and LibGDX. This probably would have been a decent approach but I got bogged down in changing its physics tick implementation, then my time was consumed elsewhere and I didn't pick it up again.

Now is the time to complete it, this time using C++ and Echo.

The Plan

I plan to stay on track by designating time for this project and writing up my progress every fortnight.
The development shall be approximately agile but the intended stages of development are to:

  • Port original PyGame implementation to Echo,
  • Update level logic to be encapsulated and data-driven using Tiled and the TMX Map Format,
  • Investigate physics tick implementation,
  • Restructure and address any major flaws,
  • Bug-fix and polish game.
Written by Timotheos on Sep 20 2014, 7:33 PM.
Games Developer

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