NOTE: These instructions are outdated. The recommended way to set up your system and build echo is to clone the rEI repository and run ./ and follow the prompts.
=Installing Prerequisites=
==On Ubuntu-based Linux==
Enter these commands into the Terminal:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install g++ build-essential -y
sudo apt-get install libbullet-dev libmodplug-dev libogg-dev libfreetype6-dev libopenal-dev libsigc++-2.0-dev \
libgtkglext1-dev libboost-all-dev libpng12-dev libprotobuf-dev libvorbis-dev libglew-dev libgtkmm-2.4-dev \
libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-dev libtinyxml-dev libutfcpp-dev libgtkmm-2.4-dev libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-dev -y
This should install the Boost Libraries; however, if you're having difficulties, see [[technical_documents/installing_or_upgrading_boost/|Installing or upgrading boost]]. See also [[tools/gpp/|Installing `g++`]].
=Building Echo=
Ensure you have Mercurial installed:
sudo apt-get install mercurial
You should have access to [[diffusion|the repositories]].
Clone [[diffusion/EE|Echo3 ]] (assuming a working directory of `~/Projects`):
hg clone ~/Projects/
These instructions assume that you now have the following directory structure:
- `~` (home or user directory)
-- `Projects`
--- `echo3`
Open the `echo3` project in [[tools/netbeans|NetBeans]] and Build from there.