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NetBeans Modules
Updated 1,938 Days AgoPublic

C/C++ NetBeans plugin

If you are using a version of NetBeans greater than 8.2, then you will need to install the C/C++ plugin manually.

  1. Go to ToolsPlugins
  2. Select the Settings tab
  3. Check NetBeans 8.2 Plugin Portal
  4. Select the Available Plugins tab
  5. Check C/C++
  6. Click Install and follow the prompts

Emblem NetBeans plugins

You can download and install the Emblem NetBeans Modules which includes Echo templates and toolchain configurations for NetBeans. These will make Echo Project templates available in NetBeans, and the appropriate toolchains available for projects to build for other platforms.

To install, you will need to add the server to the module update list which will also allow NetBeans to automatically update your modules when there is a new version.

Emblem Modules

  1. Go to ToolsPlugins
  2. Select the Settings tab
  3. Click the Add button to add a new provider
  4. Add a name for the provider for example "Emblem Modules"
  5. Use this URL or if you receive errors - see warning below.
  6. Click OK.
NOTE: Try the secure link first. NetBeans 11 does work with it.
WARNING: You may experience issues with NetBeans failing to connect to the server and reporting handshake_failure. This is a result of Java only supporting 128bit encryption by default whereas our servers use 256bit encryption. This stackoverflow post explains a solution, however I was unable to get it to work (I have spent a few hours on this problem). I confirmed that I was installing the JCE correctly by removing the original policy files which caused NetBeans to fail to initialise the plugin update checks. In the end the easiest work around is to use a non encrypted connection. I have configured the server to allow limited access via so you can use instead. I prefer not to use insecure connections when possible.

Echo Templates

  1. The module Echo Templates should now be available in the Available Plugins tab. Select the module and click Install.
  2. You will need to accept the licence agreement and continue following the unsigned message if there is one (the first version of the module was not signed and did not have a licence file).
  3. You should be able to create a new project and find Echo Application under C/C++.

Echo Toolchains

Echo projects use a variety of toolchains to build for different platforms. If you haven't already make sure you have installed the toolchains. See Setting Up Your Environment.

NOTE: Before proceeding, if you already have toolchains configured with the following names the configuration might be overwritten. - Android_19 - devkitPPC - Windows_Cross_Compiler

Once the toolchains are installed, you can either manually add them to NetBeans, or if you've used the default install locations from Restricted Repository, you can configure NetBeans with the Echo Toolchains plugin. Once you've installed the Emblem Modules as per the instructions above.

  1. Open the Plugins window and navigate to the Available Plugins tab
  2. Look for the Echo Toolchains module
  3. Select the module and click Install.
  4. Verify the toolchains have installed by going to ToolsOptionsBuild Tools and looking in the list for Android_19, devkitPPC and Windows_Cross_Compiler.
NOTE: Make sure your environment is correctly set up. The best way to do this is to setup Echo using Restricted Repository. See Setting Up Your Environment page for more information.
Last Author
Last Edited
Nov 8 2019, 1:02 PM

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0xseantasker moved this document from Restricted Phriction Wiki Document.Aug 13 2017, 6:17 PM
0xseantasker changed the visibility from "All Users" to "Public (No Login Required)".Mar 6 2019, 4:40 PM