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Updated 1,096 Days AgoPublic


Mercurial is our chosen version control system (VCS).

Installing on Ubuntu Linux

To install the Mercurial command line for Ubuntu/Debian Linux, run the following commands in a Terminal:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install mercurial

This allows you to use the hg executable on the command line.

TortoiseHg (modern Ubuntu)
sudo snap install tortoisehg --edge

This allows you to use the thg executable on the command line to open the GUI.

We also recommend you install Meld Merge, a visual diff tool:

sudo apt install mercurial meld python-iniparse

Installing on older Ubuntu Linux distributions

For older Ubuntu/Debian Linux distributions, run the following commands in a Terminal:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mercurial

For installing Tortoise HG - a Mercurial GUI (recommended):

sudo apt-get install mercurial tortoisehg tortoisehg-nautilus meld python-iniparse

Installing on TrueOS (BSD)

To install the Mercurial command-line, run the following commands in a Terminal:

sudo pkg install -y mercurial

For installing Tortoise HG - a Mercurial GUI (recommended):

sudo pkg install -y mercurial tortoisehg meld

Mercurial access password for pushing code

When logged in to this website, visit /settings/panel/vcspassword/ to set your Mercurial password. Pulling private repositories or pushing to Echo requires Mercurial password access.


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Last Author
Last Edited
Feb 28 2022, 4:03 PM